Winter Multi-Sport Fridays
The multi-sport program will consist of kickball, basketball, flag football, soccer, GAGA, Wiffle ball, games, obstacle courses, and more! The goal of the program is to introduce a variety of sports concepts and skills to children to help them develop various athletic skills. The programs also provide exposure to a multitude of sports so children can choose a favorite to pursue as they mature. This class provides key values such as teamwork, respect, fairness, and adherence to the rules and directions. In addition to the physical education benefits each class will provide, children will be introduced to great games at a very basic level while incorporating fundamentals of that sport.
Age/Skill Level
Boys & Girls, Ages 6 – 9
Fridays, 5:00pm – 6:00pm
January 13th – March 24th
No session February 24th
10 sessions for $375