By Dominic Darcangelo
It’s important to maintain and improve strength and speed in-between seasons. By providing additional resistance, new training, and more difficult movements, an athlete is able to progress and be a more valuable asset moving into the quick-approaching season. The athletic movements below help improve core strength, power, and overall athletic ability and can all be achieved in the comfort of your own home.
Single Leg Squats
3 Sets of 10 For Each Leg
Start Position: Standing, one leg lifted slightly off the ground, but kept close to the planted foot.
Down Position: Squat so that the knee is at a 90º angle while keeping your planted foot stable and the lifted foot in a fixed position, hovering next to the planted foot. Finish by pushing back upwards to the start position. This movement will use core strength, as well as hamstring power, and looks to improve speed and agility.
Pushups: Inversion, Normal, Eversion @ Close, Standard, and Wide Stance
5 Sets of 3 For Each Stance – Movement from position to position should be smooth and consistent.
Start Position: Back should be flat, arms should be locked and hands should be inverted.
Down Position: The chest should come 2-3 inches from the ground before moving back towards the start position.
Inversion Hand Placement: Stance – Close
Normal Hand Placement: Stance – Standard (Shoulder Width Apart)
Inversion Hand Placement: Stance – Wide
Inversion Hand Placement: Stance – Standard (Shoulder Width Apart)
Eversion Hand Placement: Stance – Wide
Each movement should be performed for 25 repetitions before moving on to the next exercise.
Ins and Outs
Start Position: Start with shoulders back, legs extended, hands firmly assisting with balancing.
End Position: Legs are pulled from the starting extended position to the chest while balancing, then extended back to start position.
Advanced Ins and Outs
Start Position: Hands are placed above head to reduce assisted balance. Helps engage core muscles.
End Position: Legs are pulled from the starting extended position to chest while balancing, then extended back to start position.
Start Position: Arms should be extended straight to the sides and legs should be extended straight forward.
End Position: Legs are pulled to the chest and arms are wrapped around the legs. Return to start position.
Full Sit-Ups
Start Position: Start with your legs extended and arms at your side.
Move directly upward from the start position.
End Position: Reach and touch the opposite foot.
Start Position: Extended position
Finish Position: Bring arms and legs together while keeping each as straight as possible.